Does my lean team facilitate or coach?

May 23, 2016

Facilitator vs Coach

In your workplace how are the improvement team honestly regarded?

Q1. Are they considered as facilitators that arrange workshops and agendas and keep improvement teams moving?

Q2. Are they regarded as business coaches to the middle and senior leaders helping to develop the next level of performance and behaviour from your business?

Most start by learning the facilitation skills but the business needs to consider what it needs to get from its improvement resources. If you could only answer yes to question 1 then where are they going next? This might be just what you need now but in 2 or 3 years they will be asking for their next “level up” and that is an opportunity to start them out on their role as a business coach. Where would your business be if you could answer yes to question 2?

Coaching and leadership skills

The skills required are different because the team would be moving into the world of lean leadership. This means they need to understand many more areas as well their structured improvement approach. They also need to have a position that enables them to have access and influence. Key skills required include the ability to coach in areas such as:

  • Understanding servant leadership
  • Applying situational leadership
  • Building an inclusive culture
  • How to lead with humility and respect
  • Developing broad collaboration

Lead by example

For many of us these methods become ways of making us better at what we do. It does not mean we are perfect but if teams that work with us see us try then we can encourage a culture that deliver huge value to our organisation. We can set expectations and demonstrate the environment we wish to have.